Owner-occupied use & Yield — mountain panorama for investors and residents

purchase price on request


Owner-occupied use & Yield — mountain panorama for investors and residents

Loca­ti­on Description:

BERGEN im Chiem­gau — your new pri­ma­ry resi­dence in the midst of moun­tain sple­ndor. This char­ming com­mu­ni­ty offers not only a breath­ta­king natu­ral sce­n­ery, but also a per­fect infra­struc­tu­re for a com­for­ta­ble life.

BERGEN im Chiem­gau, stands out for its excel­lent infra­struc­tu­re and pro­xi­mi­ty to some remar­kab­le attractions.

The maje­s­tic peaks, inclu­ding the impres­si­ve Hoch­felln, offer excel­lent hiking oppor­tu­ni­ties and are acces­sed by a modern gon­do­la lift. From here you can enjoy breath­ta­king views of the sur­roun­ding area.

Natu­re and leisure:

The regi­on around Ber­gen is known for its diver­se and unspoi­led natu­re. Right on the door­step, num­e­rous hiking oppor­tu­ni­ties open up through lush mea­dows, den­se forests and along the maje­s­tic Alpi­ne peaks. The near­by lakes, such as the Chiem­see and the Tüt­ten­see, offer ide­al con­di­ti­ons for water sports and lei­su­re­ly hours on the shore. In win­ter, the land­scape turns into a para­di­se for ski­ers, snow­boar­ders and cross-coun­try ski­ers, as the­re are seve­ral in the area.


The muni­ci­pa­li­ty of BERGEN has an easi­ly acces­si­ble train sta­ti­on, which pro­vi­des a con­ve­ni­ent con­nec­tion to the regio­nal rail net­work. This faci­li­ta­tes the explo­ra­ti­on of the sur­roun­ding area and allows trips to near­by cities such as Traun­stein and Salzburg.

In addi­ti­on, BERGEN is loca­ted direct­ly on the A8 high­way, which allows for quick con­nec­tions to supra-regio­nal traf­fic rou­tes. This advan­ta­ge­ous loca­ti­on makes BERGEN an ide­al start­ing point for tra­vel and acti­vi­ties throug­hout the Chiem­gau region.

With its impres­si­ve moun­tain land­scape, good trans­port links and a wide ran­ge of local lei­su­re acti­vi­ties, BERGEN in Chiem­gau offers an attrac­ti­ve qua­li­ty of life.

Cul­tu­re and tradition:

BERGEN in Chiem­gau is a place of rich Bava­ri­an cul­tu­re and tra­di­ti­on. Here you can enjoy authen­tic Bava­ri­an cui­sine and expe­ri­ence local fes­ti­vals. Tra­di­tio­nal cos­tu­me plays an important role and local han­di­craft busi­nesses offer hand­ma­de pro­ducts. Ber­gen pre­ser­ves its tra­di­ti­ons and is open to new influen­ces, which crea­tes a uni­que cul­tu­ral atmosphere.

Pro­per­ty Description:

Wel­co­me to your new home in BERGEN!
This well-main­tai­ned pro­per­ty on a south-facing slo­pe — with three self-con­tai­ned units, was built in 1968 on a gene­rous 1650 m² plot of land
and sin­ce then con­ti­nuous­ly reno­va­ted and kept up to date.


The three resi­den­ti­al units are curr­ent­ly divi­ded as follows:

The first unit, a spa­cious apart­ment on 170 sqm,
extends over two flo­ors and is curr­ent­ly used by the owner.
This offers ple­nty of room for indi­vi­du­al design.

The second unit is a 55 m² 1st flo­or ( rented ).

The third unit with 65 m² first flo­or ( rented ).

Spe­cial fea­tures: 

  • Second resi­dence possible
  • unob­s­truc­ta­ble pan­o­r­amic moun­tain view
  • per­fect south-west orientation
  • gene­rous gar­den in abso­lu­te quietness
  • three self-con­tai­ned resi­den­ti­al units
  • Roof ori­en­ta­ti­on sui­ta­ble for PV system


We ask for your under­stan­ding that we do not pro­vi­de any fur­ther data for reasons of discretion.
Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on only on per­so­nal request!


3.57 % of the purcha­se pri­ce incl. VAT, due upon notarization.


D‑83346 Bergen
Multifamily house
ca. 1649 sqm
ca. 290 sqm
by arrangement
Central heating — Oil

Further objects from our offer:

Luxury new build chalet on a south-facing slope — panoramic views


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ca. 145sqm
by arrangement
Purchase price on request
Apartment building with large plot — In a central, quiet location with mountain views


D‑83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 220sqm
by arrangement
price on request
Centrally located country inn with a view of the emperor — 5 apartments and owner’s apartment


D 83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 260sqm
by arrangement
Price on demand
Property with two outbuildings


D 84331 Johanniskirchen
ca. 350sqm
by arrangement
price on request
Country idyll — live not far from the lake Attersee


A‑4880 Berg im Attergau
ca. 165sqm
on request
Alpine country house with annex in Bauhaus style


83229 Aschau
ca. 600sqm
on request