
No mat­ter whe­ther it is a house, a flat or a plot of land — we will accom­pa­ny you during the sale.


With us you are right and important!

Whe­ther house, apart­ment or land — we are the right part­ner for the mar­ke­ting of your property.

We have all the important pro­ces­ses and spe­cial fea­tures for the sale of your exis­ting pro­per­ty in view:

✓ The opti­mal struc­tu­ring of the sales process.
✓ Achie­ving the best pos­si­ble final result
✓ Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and com­ple­ti­on of all neces­sa­ry documents
✓ Appe­al­ing visua­liza­ti­on of your pro­per­ty, through a pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to shoot
✓ Com­pi­la­ti­on and ela­bo­ra­ti­on of the accom­pany­ing pho­to­gra­phic material
✓ Crea­ti­on of a meaningful exposé
✓ Coor­di­na­ti­on and accom­p­animent of viewings
✓ Com­pe­tent ans­we­ring of all ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning the property

As a real estate agent, it goes wit­hout say­ing that our ser­vice includes pro­vi­ding you with indi­vi­du­al, pro­fes­sio­nal and per­so­nal advice. We think of your needs and accom­pa­ny your pro­ject in all aspects from the begin­ning thoughtful­ly and relia­bly until the con­clu­si­on of the contract.