Excep­tio­nal­ly personal…
Exclu­si­ve coun­try hou­ses & estates, appar­te­ments, plots and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties. We find and bro­ker for you in the most beau­tiful regi­ons of the Alps.
Warmth and tradition…
Exclu­si­ve coun­try hou­ses & estates, appar­te­ments, plots and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties. We find and bro­ker for you in the most beau­tiful regi­ons of the Alps.
Diver­se seascapes…
Exclu­si­ve coun­try hou­ses & estates, appar­te­ments, plots and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties. We find and bro­ker for you in the most beau­tiful regi­ons of the Alps.
Invest­ment with vision…
Exclu­si­ve coun­try hou­ses & estates, flats, plots and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties. We find and bro­ker for you in the most beau­tiful regi­ons of the Alps.
Pure natu­re…
Exclu­si­ve coun­try hou­ses & estates, appar­te­ments, plots and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties. We find and bro­ker for you in the most beau­tiful regi­ons of the Alps.
Arri­ve at home…
Exclu­si­ve coun­try hou­ses & estates, appar­te­ments, plots and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties. We find and bro­ker for you in the most beau­tiful regi­ons of the Alps.
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Gress Immobilien — for decades your local real estate agent for country houses, apartments, land and commercial properties in the most beautiful regions of Upper Bavaria and Tyrol.

The opti­mal sale of a pro­per­ty requi­res an expe­ri­en­ced and, abo­ve all, estab­lished inter­face bet­ween the sel­ler and poten­ti­al buy­ers. Gress Immo­bi­li­en has spe­cia­li­zed in exact­ly that. For many deca­des we have been suc­cessful­ly bro­ke­ring spe­cial pro­per­ties such as coun­try hou­ses, farm­hou­ses, apart­ments, hotels, guest­hou­ses and gas­tro­no­mic estab­lish­ments from many pic­tures­que regi­ons in the foot­hills of the Alps.

In the run-up we dis­cuss your wis­hes and expec­ta­ti­ons with you, give a qua­li­fied value assess­ment and take care of an appe­al­ing visua­liza­ti­on and the best marketing. 

Gress Immobilien — Your reliable specialist for:


Over 25 years of expe­ri­ence in real estate, con­sis­ten­cy and exper­ti­se gua­ran­tee you the best pos­si­ble result for your per­so­nal concern.

With gre­at plea­su­re in archi­tec­tu­re and real estate and sen­si­ti­vi­ty to detail, I have been in the real estate busi­ness for more than 25 years.

The per­so­nal and indi­vi­du­al sup­port, an opti­mal con­sul­ta­ti­on with detail-exact com­ple­ti­on and abso­lu­te dis­cre­ti­on have hig­hest priority.

A spe­cial con­cern for us is relia­bi­li­ty, con­sis­ten­cy, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and spe­cial care while sup­port­ing our customers.

You want a high­ly dis­creet sale of your property?

With our Secret Sales
we are spe­cia­li­sed in exact­ly that.


Gress Immobilien — for decades your expert for the mediation, sale and rental of country houses, apartments, land and commercial properties in the most beautiful regions of Upper Bavaria and Tyrol

Due to our exper­ti­se and long-stan­ding cont­acts, we have a lar­ge num­ber of spe­cial pro­per­ties at our dis­po­sal. Plea­se under­stand that we deli­bera­te­ly do not pre­sent them on our web­site for reasons of dis­cre­ti­on. If you are inte­res­ted in our “Secret Sales” pro­per­ties or would like to be added to our cli­ent list, plea­se send us an email or use our cont­act form.


Qualified valuation


Professional purchase processing

tourist properties

Rely on a strong local partner! 

You search-
we find

Send us your per­so­nal requi­re­ments pro­fi­le and tog­e­ther we will find the right pro­per­ty for you!

Service for

A net­work that has grown over gene­ra­ti­ons, cou­pled with loyal­ty and down-to-earth­ness, gua­ran­tees an opti­mal and fast sale!

Our current offers

Mehrfamilienhaus an der Straße
Lange Terrasse mit Tisch und Sitzoption
Neubauhaus von hinten
Wiese, einzelne Hütten, im Hintergrund Berge
Neubaumehrfamilienhaus mit Garten und Balkon

Gress IMMOBILIEN — about us

For more than 35 years the name Gress Immbo­lien has stood for com­pe­tence in the real estate indus­try in the Upper Bava­ri­an region.

Gress Immo­bi­li­en was foun­ded in 1982 by Mr. Rudolf Gress.

The scope of the com­pa­ny included the loca­ti­ons Rot­tach-Egern, Aschau im Chiem­gau, Traun­stein and final­ly the foun­ding loca­ti­on Reit im Winkl. In addi­ti­on to the purcha­se and sale of real estate, pro­per­ty deve­lo­p­ment play­ed a decisi­ve role for deca­des, with num­e­rous pro­jects in the dis­trict of Traun­stein being car­ri­ed out with gre­at success.

Mrs. Ani­ta Salzer lear­ned her trade from scratch in the com­pa­ny and has grown with it. In 2011, she took over the posi­ti­on of mana­ging direc­tor and sin­ce then has suc­cessful­ly and pas­sio­na­te­ly led the tra­di­tio­nal company.

Our longtime partners

May we introduce?

Our new building project "Blickwinkl"