Friendly, barrier-free 2‑room apartment

D‑83530 Schnaitsee


Friendly, barrier-free 2‑room apartment

Schnait­see is a small com­mu­ni­ty in the dis­trict of Traun­stein in Upper Bava­ria. The com­mu­ni­ty is loca­ted about 15 kilo­me­ters nor­the­ast of
Trost­berg and has an area of about 38 squa­re kilometers.

The cen­ter of Schnait­see is the name­sa­ke Schnait­see, a pic­tures­que lake sur­roun­ded by forests and mea­dows and a
popu­lar desti­na­ti­on for tou­rists and locals. The lake is ide­al for various recrea­tio­nal acti­vi­ties such as swim­ming, fishing,
boating and hiking.

The muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Schnait­see has just under 3,500 inha­bi­tants and con­sists of seve­ral dis­tricts. In the cen­ter of the vil­la­ge is the parish church of St.
Vitus, which was built in Baro­que style and is a cul­tu­ral high­light of the community.

In Schnait­see the­re are also seve­ral inns and restau­rants ser­ving regio­nal spe­cial­ties and Bava­ri­an cui­sine. The
sur­roun­dings are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by rol­ling hills and forests, which invi­te you to go hiking and cycling.

Over­all, Schnait­see is a quiet and idyl­lic place.


This beau­tiful 2‑room apart­ment is loca­ted in a quiet resi­den­ti­al area, in an abso­lut­e­ly cen­tral loca­ti­on of the vil­la­ge Schnaitsee.
In the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty are num­e­rous shop­ping faci­li­ties, as well as a phar­ma­cy and doc­tors are direct­ly on site.
An excel­lent con­nec­tion to all public trans­port is given.


The spa­cious, light-floo­ded living room with open kit­chen and an access to the bal­c­o­ny with moun­tain view, gua­ran­tee a plea­sant living comfort.


Thanks to the acces­si­bi­li­ty, this pro­per­ty is also ide­al for older peo­p­le and peo­p­le with limi­t­ed mobility.
The bed­room is quiet­ly loca­ted and has its own second bal­c­o­ny. The bath­room, modern in design, is equip­ped with a
level, bar­ri­er-free show­er. An ele­va­tor in the house ensu­res con­ve­ni­ent access to the apart­ment and under­ground parking.


The pro­per­ty is in a very well-kept con­di­ti­on and has a high-qua­li­ty equip­ment. The open kit­chen is equip­ped with
modern appli­ances equip­ped and offers amp­le space for cooking.
In the living area, a gene­rous win­dow front pro­vi­des ple­nty of day­light and a magni­fi­cent view of the surroundings.


An under­ground gara­ge pro­vi­des amp­le par­king for residents.


The 2 room apart­ment is divi­ded as follows:

  • Lar­ge hall­way with ple­nty of space
  • Bed­room
  • 1 shower/WC barrier-free
  • Living-dining area with open kitchen

Capi­tal investment:
By purcha­sing a con­do­mi­ni­um in this good loca­ti­on, you can
you can pro­fit from the high demand for living space and achie­ve an
attrac­ti­ve return on invest­ment. A ren­tal gua­ran­tee can offer you additional


We act as exclu­si­ve agents, nego­tia­ti­ons and vie­wings are only to be con­duc­ted via the com­pa­ny Gress Immo­bi­li­en GmbH.

Pas­sing on this offer to third par­ties obli­ges to pay dama­ges in the full amount of the commission.

Our infor­ma­ti­on in the expo­sé is part­ly based on infor­ma­ti­on from third par­ties, for which we gene­ral­ly assu­me no liability.


Purcha­se price:
225.000 €

Purcha­se pri­ce for the ful­ly fur­nis­hed flat, inclu­ding 1 cel­lar com­part­ment and one under­ground par­king space.


3.57 % from the purcha­se pri­ce incl. 19% VAT, due upon nota­ri­al certification.


in Schnaitsee
Floors apartment
ca. 68 sqm
Underground parking space
by arrangement
Air/ water heat pump

Further objects from our offer:

First floor idyll with second home
Abso­lut­e­ly quiet location


83259 Schleching
ca. 45sqm
by arrangement
Price on Request
Perfect use of space over two floors


83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 46sqm
by arrangement
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1 room apartment in central location — balcony with mountain view
with moun­tain view and balkony


83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 32sqm
by arrangement
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1 room apartment for relaxing living


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ca. 41sqm
by arrangement
on request
4 room duplex apartment with loggia


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ca. 162,50sqm
by arrangement
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Modern 3‑room apartment with spacious garden area


D‑83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 78,20sqm
by arrangement
Price on Request