Spacious 4 room apartment — barrier free

price on request


Spacious 4 room apartment — barrier free

Loca­ted on the out­skirts of Reit im Winkl — bus con­nec­tion right out­side the front door. With a few steps you reach in win­ter the direct access to cross-coun­try ski­ing trails and win­ter hiking trails. In sum­mer, num­e­rous wal­king and hiking trails await you.

The town cen­ter of Reit im Winkl with its tra­di­tio­nal inns, cafes and a varie­ty of com­mer­cial buil­dings, is within 10 minu­tes wal­king distance. Also on site are a medi­cal cen­ter, a phar­ma­cy, an ele­men­ta­ry school and a kindergarten.

To the free­way Munich- Salz­burg approx. 30 km. To Munich approx. 110 km, to Salz­burg approx. 60 km.


For sale is, on the out­skirts of Reit im Winkl, in a well-kept apart­ment buil­ding, a spa­cious, bar­ri­er-free 4 room apart­ment with land share, which has been com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned and reno­va­ted in 2016.

It is ide­al­ly sui­ted for capi­tal inves­tors and opti­mal­ly com­bi­nes seve­ral buy­er wis­hes. Con­stant mate­ri­al value, addi­tio­nal source of inco­me through ren­tal, as well as a high recrea­tio­nal value for the times of self-use;
The­re is no rest­ric­tion of use on this property.


The 4 room apart­ment offers a well plan­ned space concept:

  • Hall­way and hall­way with open living area
  • Kit­chen with fit­ted kitchen
  • 2 bed­rooms
  • 1 full bath with a sepa­ra­te WC
  • Guest WC
  • Woo­den veran­da with access to the part of the plot, which could also be plan­ted and trans­for­med into a small garden

From the apart­ment you have direct access to the basement.


We media­te exclu­si­ve­ly, nego­tia­ti­ons and vie­wings are only through the com­pa­ny Gress Immo­bi­li­en GmbH.

The pas­sing on of this offer to third par­ties obli­ga­tes to com­pen­sa­ti­on in full com­mis­si­on height.

Our infor­ma­ti­on in the expo­sé is based in part on infor­ma­ti­on from third par­ties, for which we gene­ral­ly assu­me no liability.


Purcha­se price:
430.000 €


3.57% incl. VAT due upon notarization.


D‑83242 Reit Im Winkl
First floor apartment
ca. 130 sqm
Top renovated
outdoor parking
District heating

Further objects from our offer:

First floor idyll with second home
Abso­lut­e­ly quiet location


83259 Schleching
ca. 45sqm
by arrangement
Price on Request
Perfect use of space over two floors


83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 46sqm
by arrangement
Price on Request
1 room apartment in central location — balcony with mountain view
with moun­tain view and balkony


83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 32sqm
by arrangement
Price on Request
1 room apartment for relaxing living


D‑83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 41sqm
by arrangement
on request
4 room duplex apartment with loggia


D‑83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 162,50sqm
by arrangement
Price on Request
Modern 3‑room apartment with spacious garden area


D‑83242 Reit im Winkl
ca. 78,20sqm
by arrangement
Price on Request